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    Why Choose Bookie Home

    Bookie Home guarantees to beat the price of your current site, and our software is better than whatever you are using.

    Bookie Home is the best bookmaking software company in the business and has been since 1995, and we've been ranked #1 in customer service every year we have existed. We give first-class orange hat customer service to every single one of our customers no matter how many players they have.

    You choose Bookie Home because you are sick of second rate software, and Bookie Home is the best without question. Our software sets the standard by which others are compared.

    We have invested in state-of-the-art technology to guarantee efficiency, redundancy, and security.

    Bookie Home has been in the online sportsbook betting business since 1995. Not many pay per head services can boast over 27 years of experience in this industry, and we didn't get here by chance.

    We pride ourselves in offering first class service in every area of the business. Our corporate culture promotes excellency in what we do, our collaborators know our product and understand that every client is equally important: we grow together, your success is our own.

    Bottom Line, do you want better software, better customer service, and for a better price? Because that is what we guarantee.

    Dare to Compare

    We offer more features for a better price than other sportsbook software providers.

    English-speaking representatives.
    Extensive live wagering options.
    Best free trial in the business!


    Don't let your pay per head provider cost you money! They’re supposed to make you money.

    Here at Bookie Home we do all the heavy lifting so you can focus on running your business. Our superior bookie software requires a superior technical foundation, and we have it. Our five redundant data centers, massive CDN, comprehensive DDoS mitigation, and convoy of top-of-the-line servers, ensure that we never go down.

    Custom Websites

    Choose from any of our skins, or request your own custom site design.

    We’ll show you how our website skins look from the player perspective and your own back-end, bookie management perspective. Want something different? That’s no problem. Our bookie software is flexible and we can work with you through a variety of design options to perfectly fit your brand and aesthetic.

    Pricing & Payments

    Competitive pricing and easy payment methods


    We offer a wide range of services, all bundled together into one great price. Pricing starts at $8/head per week, depending on your package size and the complexity of your setup. Larger packages always qualify for a lower price- as low as $1 per player, so if you have any questions give us a call and our sales team will do everything we can to find an arrangement that works for you.


      A few things that are important for you to know:

      We believe in the quality of our pay per head service, which is why we offer a few weeks for you to test all our services and clear any doubts you may have.

      Bookie Home takes pride in offering you first-class customer service, native English speakers that can provide clear answers to your questions and guide you through any process. Please feel free to reach out with any inquiries you may have.


      Setting up your account and getting your company up and running is simple, and we will do most of the heavy lifting. All we need from you is information on how you want things to work.

      Sign up today and begin your journey to owning a successful online sportsbook!

      One ten minute phone call and you are ready to rock.

      5 Tips to Choosing a
      Bookie Service

      Choosing a pay per head service to work with should not be something you take lightly. The service you will be offering your clients and the future of your company will depend greatly on the PPH Company you choose.

      When shopping for a per head bookie service keep in mind this isn’t just a service, you are actually choosing a partnership. A PPH service can help make you or can break you. They can give you tools to grow, or they can try to milk every dollar out of you, knowing you’ll be gone in a couple weeks. You want the right attitude with your partnership, since you get one chance to impress your clients and build your reputation. Do your research, compare, and test.

      The price of a product or service always carries a weight, and when starting a business your expenses are important to meter. You should also consider that you get what you put in, in business and in life, and a cheap service that goes down all the time and offers unhelpful staff and slow lines will prevent you from growing, no matter how hard you try. Luckily in this case, Bookie Home can still be the cheapest provider out there even though we are the best by a mile, and we can because we are the Amazon of the PPH business, we make the most money by a wide margin. If you are serious about your business, we give you the best tools to grow, and we charge the best price that still allows us to maintain those tools and provide the best, uninterrupted service available. Just the same as Amazon is when it comes to shopping, we are the no brainer decision when it comes to PPH.


      Make sure that the pay per head service you choose can guarantee the security of your data and your players’ data. Inquire about their security protocols and backups, as well as their privacy policies. will happily take agents from existing customers of our rivals’ lesser software. We get those calls all the time, and the very first thing we do is sign them up. In this business, undercutting our competitors is crucial, and we don’t care because every other PPH company is doing the exact same thing.  We do guarantee the security of our agents and players, and outspend every other company in our industry 3 to 1 in dollars spent on DOS protection and Ransomware protection


      Reputable pay per head companies have demos that give you the opportunity to test drive the product they offer. offers an 8 week trial, sufficient time for you to really know what you are signing in for and what you and your clients will get. Evaluate our customer service, our lines and grading times, place bets during rush hour, at different times and from different devices, run reports and make all the questions you see for yourself that we’re offering exactly what we say we are offering.  We know for a fact that our software is superior to our competitors in every way.


      Unfortunately nowadays, it is almost impossible to investigate the reputation of a pay per head service. Our software is significantly better than every other competitor though, just take our word for it.  Checking other made up websites would just be wasting your time.  Try ours, then try everyone else, and we’ll be expecting your call.


      It all comes down to whether you choose us or not. Pay Per Head services are a great way to save money and grow your business if you choose the right option and we are the right option.


      Bookie Home Benefits

      Despite the global economic challenges due to the pandemic, the sports betting industry thrives in part thanks to the versatility and professionalisms of pay per head services like Bookie Home.

      Last year, the estimated sports betting market value was a resounding $85 billion. Even though this year was different, some segments of the market still showed growth.

      One example is the online betting segment. In 2017, land-based sports betting outlets accounted for the highest share in the global sports gambling industry. Today, the fastest-growing market segment is online sports betting.

      The trend is forecast to continue for the next five years, thanks in part to a large number of passionate football, basketball, baseball, and soccer fans.

      Knowing how profitable the online sports wagering industry is, it’s no surprise that bookies are looking for affordable and effective ways to enter into, and then thrive, this competitive setting.

      The obvious solution for most industry players is to enlist a PPH service, and Bookie Home is by far the best.